Some special features of devCad

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    Belluno - Italy

    You can find here some video explaining some special features of devCad:

    Adding elements:
    - Draw a double line
    - Draw a Circle tangent to 3 other elements
    - Creating a Mathematical poliline
    - Create a Region
    - Add a Polar Array of elements
    - Creating Polylines autotracing raster images
    - Draw a Smart Shape element
    - Inserting a Part from the Part Library
    - How to add a new Part to the Part Library
    - Insert an RTF document in the drawing
    - Insert a curved Text
    - Create a Symbol and use it for Region Hatching

    Element modification:
    - Mirror elements
    - Scale elements in a Not Uniform way
    - Offset elements
    - Shear elements
    - Stretch elements
    - Clean dirty geometries creating a Region
    - Explode a Text to Regions
    - Approximate the Arcs of a Polyline to multiple segments, specifying the Tolerance
    - Approximate a Polyline to multiple segments, specifying the number of segments
    - Approximate multiple little segments of a Polyline to Arcs, specifying the Tolerance
    - Converting a Polyline to a Spline
    - Chamfer a Polyline
    - Fillet a Polyline
    - Connect Lines and Arcs to create an unique Polyline
    - Break polylines where intersecting other elements/polylines
    - Trim elements where intersecting other elements/polylines

    - Smart Polar Snap
    - Draw a segment tangent (or perpendicular) to an object at a specified point
    - Rectification of a polygon
    - Move a door along a wall

    - Create a Region
    - Create a Region by dirty geometries
    - Create Regions by Exploding a Text
    - Offset Regions
    - Region Boolean Intersection
    - Region Boolean Multiple Intersection
    - Region Boolean Union
    - Region Boolean Subtraction
    - Split/cut a Region in more parts
    - Add smart lightening holes to a Region

    Raster files:
    - Tracing manually a raster background image
    - Creating Polylines autotracing a raster background image

    Special text features:
    - Text style settings
    - Insert an RTF document in the drawing
    - Insert a curved Text
    - Explode a Text to Regions

    Cam/Cnc special features:
    - Cutting wizard
    - Cam project: concave corner overcut
    - Create a Region by dirty geometries
    - Create Regions by Exploding a Text
    - Split/cut a Region in more parts
    - Add smart lightening holes to a Region
    - Creating Polylines autotracing raster images

    Other features:
    - Create an alias for a command name
    - Advanced Hatching styles for Regions
    - Associative dimensions
    - Select by Polygon - type 1
    - Select by Polygon - type 2
0 replies since 12/3/2014, 11:48   469 views